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News from The Fat Finch!

The Fat Finch

The Fat Finch Flyer — All the news that's fit to chirp!

Excerpted from The Fat Finch flyer of August 17, 2022

In this and future newsletters we will tell you about some of the marvelous artists who create many of the avian-themed goods we carry.


Geninne Zlatkis

Artist profile, Geninne Zlatkis

In this artist spotlight, we are featuring Geninne Zlatkis, whose brightly colored and detailed work has been licensed to a number of companies to create home products, notecards, calendars, and other merchandise.

Geninne's early life was spent traveling with her parents and living in a number of countries including Chile and Mexico. These countries clearly influenced her work which is full of color, folk art themes, and desert landscapes.

Geninne says she began drawing cats but later started drawing birds when she realized how fascinating they were in variety and color. She says it took her a long time to get just the right harmony she wanted in drawing them. Lucky for us she loves to draw birds and her work is full of them.

Geninne now lives with her family in Santa Fe, NM. She has two very talented children who are also artistic. Her husband is a home builder. She is very happy in Santa Fe because she says it reminds her of when she lived in

Mexico. Much of her current work shows her love of the flora and fauna of the desert Southwest.

Geninne sells many of her prints in her Etsy store. She also likes to work in clay and leather, and even makes many of her own rubber stamps. We love Geninne's creativity and wish her continued success in all her artistic endeavors.


Birding with Children

There is still plenty of great summertime weather to take children birding! Below is a great article we think is worth repeating in its entirety. It's about a course offered at Cornell Lab of Ornithology. And I can say that the course will make any adult a better birder too!


Summertime is a great time to take children birding
Summertime is a great time to take children birding!

Ithaca, NY— Adults who want to connect kids with nature now have some expert guidance, thanks to a new online course from Bird Academy, the e-learning arm of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Let’s Go Outside: How to Connect Kids with Birds and Nature contains six lessons with dozens of field-tested activities to reduce screen time for kids and boost their curiosity about the natural world. "I know so many people eager to get their kids outside and curious about nature," says course instructor Jennifer Fee, manager of K-12 programs at the Cornell Lab. "They ask me for fun everyday activities that fit into their busy lives. Just as importantly, outdoor activities create moments of bonding and connection—memories that last a lifetime." The course material is intended for adults, such as parents, grandparents, and mentors. The activities described are appropriate for children from 6 to 10 years old. They help kids not only enjoy learning about birds and nature but also about conservation and how to take care of the environment, no matter where they live.

"I grew up in an urban area, but there was still nature around if you knew where to look," says course instructor Nicole Jackson, a board member for the Columbus, Ohio, Audubon chapter, and co-organizer of Black Birder’s Week. "This course will help you make this summer boredom-proof, especially if you go into it with a 'beginner mind.'" In other words, no matter how much you do or do not know about any topic, be open to seeing familiar things in a new way; for example, an American Robin is not "just" a robin. Take the time to follow what the bird is doing and how it is interacting with other birds and with the environment. Adults are encouraged to embrace the unknown and realize they don’t need to have all the answers. These are adventures in discovery for everyone involved. The course includes six self-paced lessons that guide users on how to build enthusiasm for the outdoors through activities, videos, books, apps, and more. Find out more about the course and get a free preview on the course web page. Once purchased, the course material does not expire so you can return to it again and again. "So many people got turned on to birdwatching during the past couple of years," says Fee. "Let’s not let that spark of curiosity die out. Let's make appreciation of birds and nature a lifetime habit!"

(Photo credit: Bill Harrison)


Lots on Sale at The Fat Finch

We have added many more items to our On Sale section. Have a look here.


We hope you are enjoying your summer and that it is filled with the joy of birds!

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